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Several new episodes added to this growing series. Each episode has extensive teacher notes.
We would like your suggestions on how we can improve this newsletter. Have you found something that you would like to share with the Sion Community?
Give us some feedback via our suggestions form.
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Closed Captions provide English subtitles & descriptions and are available on (nearly) every ClickView produced video. All the new videos being added now have Closed Captions. Not only do they assist hearing-impaired viewers but they can be of benefit to students with other learning or language difficulties. So remember to click on the [cc] logo on the Play bar under the video..
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Great Speeches
Listen to some of Australia's great speeches held in the National Library's Oral History collection
September 16th, 2020 is ASK A CURATOR DAY, an annual social media event that allows the public to ask questions of museums, galleries, libraries, archives and other heritage institutions. It's a worldwide event with Australian institutions joining the fun. Follow the #ASKACURATOR hashtag to discover the curators who will be answering your questions.
You can learn more about the event here
Students have completed the Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge
verified books
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge Libguide
Revised Challenge finish date is Friday 18 September at 9.00am
It's Medieval Day 2005 and students are dressing up in Medieval garb as part of History (Humanities) Week celebrations.
Thanks to our archivist Matthew Roberts, for these photos
Catherine Vastbinder, Holly Wilson, Natarsha O' Hea.
Mary Duong, Hannah Sleeth, Lauren Rashleigh
Large and Lavish: NGV's Italian Cassoni Chests
Cassoni were must-have items for wealthy newlyweds in the Italian Renaissance era. NGV Senior Curator, Amanda Dunsmore introduces the origin, craftsmanship and embedded, cautionary stories of the Judith and Holofernes pair of chests in the NGV Collection.