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Notre Dame: Food Studies

Each VCE subject has it's own page with past trial exams, study design, and supporting materials for study purposes.


VCAA Exams and Reports

Nutridate Journal

Nutridate contains articles, comments and information on nutrition issues, recent diet initiatives and trends, new directions in food intake and food management, nutrition in health. A media watch section providing additional resources is also included. Nutridate is designed for teachers and students of human development, home economics, food technology, and physical education.



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Choice Magazine: product analysis is carried out by Choice, and results are produced for what is good and what is bad, so you can make an informed decision before you buy!

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LRC Dashboard

ClickView: Fight for Planet A

Clickview: Launching a Food Product

Launching a Food Product: Generating Ideas and Solutions

The design thinking approach to developing food products allows businesses to develop strategies to make their product better or stand out.

Launching a Food Product: Emerging Food Drivers and Trends

This video discusses emerging drivers such as health and wellness, environmental concerns and animal welfare. Interviews with food innovators from the Monash Food Innovation Centre and CSIRO make this key viewing for food studies at a senior secondary level or higher.

Launching a Food Product: Traditional Food Drivers

This video introduces the consumer drivers of price, quality and convenience, also discussing the role culture and ethics have to play in influencing consumer purchases. This is essential viewing for food studies at a senior secondary level or higher.

Clickview: Designing our Food Future

Designing our Food Future: Exploring the Problem


Supermarket shelves are stocked high with products targeting popular food trends and diets but, as the resources on our planet become more precious, food businesses are moving towards solving real-world problems, like sustainability and food waste, via new food products. How do businesses choose a problem to focus on, and what are the initial steps in the food design process to turn the bud of an idea into a feasible concept?

Designing our Food Future: From Concept to Prototype


This programme takes viewers through the prototyping process of a new food product, where failure is not only expected but a highly valuable part of perfecting its physical properties, shelf life and, importantly, taste. With insightful commentary from real food scientists, this program is important viewing for senior-secondary and higher education students of food sciences.

Designing our Food Future: Trialling a New Product

Trialling a new food product is the last crucial step in the design of a new food product before the process of launching it to market can commence. Whether trialling a product with trained testers or the general consumer audience, getting it right can mean the difference between a successful product and one that sits stagnant on supermarket shelves.

ClickView: War on Waste

Craig Reucassel goes undercover in a food court to see how much food is being thrown out and explains the big role restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets have in reducing food waste.

ClickView: Future of Food Special

The Drum: Food Security, Ethical Eating, and Food and Nutrition. Aired Friday 29/11/2019. Tonight on The Drum we discuss nutritional knowledge, food security; and can we ever really eat ethically?

ClickView: Fsanz and Food Safety


Cultural Food

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