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Sion LRC: Book Reviews


What is a book review?

A book review is a review or a critique of a book that you have read.

A book review can reflect on what the reader found important or interesting about the text and can be different depending on the audience of the book review.

Example of a Book Review

When writing your book review you can start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • What did you think of the major character?
  • What did you think of the plot?
  • Would you recommend the book to others?
  • What type of people would love this book? For example: If you liked Harry Potter you would love this book

Example of a Book Review

Whisper by Lynette Noni was such a good read because it was a mystery and also a supernatural book. I loved the way the main character’s quest was slowly revealed and once I understood the mystery, I couldn’t put down the book. The Supernatural part of the book was unique because I haven’t read anything like that before. You must also read book 2 ‘Weapon’, because it is just as good. (71 words)

Examples of Book Reviews

Tips and Hints for writing book reviews

How do I create a Book Review?

You can put in a book review on the Sion LRC Catalogue so that other students can use your review to aid them in their book choice decisions.

1. Log into SEQTA

2. Click on LRC

3. Search for the book that you want to review, eg. Fault in our Stars

4. Click on the "Write a Review" button, bottom left hand side of the dialogue box. 

5. Copy and Paste your book review into the system. 

6. Remember to click on the number of stars that you give 


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