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Sion Learning Resource Centre: Crime and Justice


Issues in Society

Fair Play and Integrity in Sport

Summary: Australians love playing and watching their sport. In our society, elite sportspeople are viewed as role models, however, an increasing incidence of sporting scandals is compromising sporting values and the spirit of competition, spurred on by commercial pressures to win at all costs. How should we prepare young Australians to make well-informed decisions in regard to enjoying and playing sport in a world seemingly rife with corruption, gambling, political power plays and poor sportsmanship? This book highlights the principles of fairness and integrity in sport and investigates the nature and extent of corruption and cheating in Australian and international sports. The book also tackles a number of concerns in relation to abuse and discrimination. How can elite athletes, players and sporting organisations play by the rules, and ensure we all have a sporting chance?

Crime and Violence

Summary: The prevalence of violent crime - which includes homicide, assault, sexual assault, robbery and kidnapping - can be difficult to measure, with the facts often obscured by fear. If regular media reports are to be believed, Australia is constantly in the midst of a violent crime wave; is this actually the case? Why are 18-24 year olds most at risk of being victims and perpetrators of violent crime? What are the effects of violence on victims? Alcohol-related violence is a complex issue explored in this book - do greater alcohol restrictions and the introduction of 'one-punch' laws and mandatory sentencing have an impact on violent street assaults? Is jailing offenders the most effective solution to reducing violence in society? This book presents the latest Australian statistics on recorded crime and victimisation rates and explores risks to personal safety, proposing a variety of responses to deal with violent crime.

Young Drivers and Road Safety

Young people are still over-represented in road fatality and injury statistics, particularly young males. Young drivers continue to engage in a range of dangerous on-road behaviours, including drink and drug driving, speeding, aggressive driving, driver fatigue, mobile phone use and distraction. This book presents the latest statistics and reports on road safety rates and attitudes in Australia and examines the risk behaviours of young drivers. This book is aimed at educating young people and learner drivers, and contains a range of fact sheet-style advice on how to avoid risks and increase road safety and awareness. 


While there is no universal definition of 'corruption', the term is generally understood to include bribery, extortion, embezzlement, money laundering, illicit enrichment, and abuse of functions, position or influence. Globally, corruption is a serious and widespread crime undermining democratic institutions, jeopardising economic development, and threatening the security and stability of governments. In Australia, barely a day goes by when the media does not report corrupt behaviour in political parties, the public sector, trade unions, sports bodies and companies. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Australia has slipped in Transparency International's latest Corruption Perceptions Index. This book explores the extent and impacts of corruption worldwide, and examines the latest anti-corruption efforts in Australia. Corruption can be prosecuted after the fact, but first and foremost, it requires prevention. How do we detect and deal with greed and graft?

Tackling Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse occurs when an adult, adolescent or child uses their power or authority to involve a child in sexual activity. Child sexual abuse can cause significant physical and emotional harm to a child, which lasts into adulthood. Female and male survivors of child sexual abuse are increasingly speaking out about their traumatic experiences and the betrayal of trust by offenders. What are the myths and misunderstandings about child sexual abuse? What forms does it take? What are the behavioural signs to look out for in children and perpetrators? How do you report your concerns or personal experiences of abuse? The book explores the prevalence, forms and impacts of child sexual abuse, and the responses to disclosure of child abuse by children and survivors. How can society break the silence, bring perpetrators to light, and better protect our children?

The Death Penalty Debate

While the number of executions worldwide is decreasing, some countries are continuing to execute hundreds of prisoners every year - more than 19,000 people are currently estimated to be on death row worldwide. In less than 40 years, 124 countries have abolished the death penalty. Although no one has been executed in Australia since 1967, Australians' attitudes regarding the death penalty are still mixed. The recent execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in Indonesia has brought home the human impacts of state-sanctioned killing. What are the arguments for and against capital punishment? Are there ever exceptions for the worst offenders? Does the death penalty prevent or deter crime? What is Australia doing diplomatically to encourage other states towards abolition? This book looks at the death penalty and its legal abolition worldwide, and explores a range of arguments and attitudes towards capital punishment at home and abroad. Can the death penalty ever be applied fairly? Whose right is it, if anyone's, to decide death over life?

Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

Acts of terror and expressions of violent extremism are a confronting reality around the globe, and an ongoing threat in this country. Australians must remain vigilant against the spread of terror and extremism by supporters of Islamic State and other ideologically violent groups. How should Australia deal with the terrorist threat without unfairly targeting Muslim communities or infringing upon fundamental human rights? Why are some young Australians being drawn to Islamic State? The factors that result in radicalisation are complex and varied - are there smarter ways to counter violent extremism? This book focuses on the threat of terrorism and violent extremism in Australia and abroad; national security strategies and counter-terrorism laws in Australia; and explores ways of effectively countering extremism and radicalisation. How do we turn back the tide of fear in an age of increasing terror?

Violence Against Women

Violence against women is now being recognised as a serious, widespread problem, with enormous social costs and individual and community impacts. In Australia, one in three women over the age of 15 years have experienced physical assault; over half of all women have experienced at least one incident of physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. Men's violence affects women across all sectors of society and includes sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse. A wide range of attitudes and beliefs continue to excuse, justify, minimise and hide physical and sexual violence against women. As a society, we need to address these misconceptions and entrenched gender inequality to effectively respond to violence against women and their children, and ultimately to prevent it. This title details the various forms of violence used against women, and presents the latest research findings on prevalence and attitudes. The book also focuses on understanding and countering sexual assault and harassment, and explores the latest approaches to dealing with gender-based violence. Although violence against women is a confronting social problem, it is ultimately preventable

Issues in Prisons

Australian imprisonment rates have increased annually for five consecutive years. Why are prison numbers rising, and what are the alternatives to imprisonment? This book examines imprisonment rates and criminal justice reform options. How do the four current prison system justifications - retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation - stack up? Is the incarceration of offenders deterring them from re-offending and reducing crime rates? What are the human and financial costs of imprisonment, especially for detained young people and Indigenous Australians? How can we work towards more effective rehabilitation, crime reduction and justice reinvestment? Is it possible to unlock the prison problem and set it free?

Gun Control

Twenty-one years ago, federal, state and territory governments united in the wake of the devastating 1996 Port Arthur massacre to reform firearm laws and ultimately halve gun violence in Australia. The recently updated National Firearms Agreement and renewed firearms amnesty consolidates this national approach to gun control. However, Australia's arsenal of private guns is now larger than it was before the Port Arthur massacre. There are more imported firearms coming into Australian than ever before; at least 260,000 guns are estimated to be currently held illegally in Australia. Crime, terrorism, homicide, suicide -- how much do guns actually figure in this deadly mix? Are we going backwards on gun control? This book explores the ongoing gun debate, including arguments over the proposed importation of the Adler lever-action shotgun and a range of opinions on firearms restrictions from both gun control advocates and the gun lobby. Is gun ownership a right or a privilege?

Understanding Sexual Consent

Consent is an agreement between people to engage in sexual activity. Sexual activity is something to be done with someone, not to someone. Consent is a critical part of this process and must be freely given, informed and mutual. However, if you don't have consent, it is a criminal offence. Sexual assault is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, scared or threatened. Sexual negotiation can be a difficult or awkward process for anyone, regardless of age, to navigate. How do young people negotiate safe sexual contact together? What personal and societal pressures may contribute to non-consensual sex, and how do we promote a respectful culture of consent? Learn how to clearly define consent and to understand the personal and legal consequences of sexual assault. It is always better to be safe than sorry, to communicate with care and respect, and to uphold consent above conques

Youth Crime and Justice

Youth offending has fallen across most jurisdictions in Australia over the past decade, in step with crime in general. However, young people entering the youth justice system are a vulnerable population group who are likely to have a number of complex needs and come from challenging backgrounds including dysfunctional family environments, unstable accommodation or homelessness, socio-economic disadvantage and poverty. This group is also more likely to be struggling with alcohol and substance misuse, mental health issues, cognitive disabilities, childhood abuse and neglect, and disrupted education. This book examines the latest youth crime data and explores key issues that have been the focus of youth justice system inquiries in recent years including: tough-on-crime policies aimed at young people; the detrimental impacts of youth justice detention; Indigenous over-representation; raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years of age; detention as a last resort and the diversionary alternatives; and improving programs in detention. Is ‘doing the time for the crime’ real justice when it comes to children and young people?

Issues on ClickView: Crime and Corruption

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