Legaldate contains articles, comment and information on legal issues, new directions and changes in the law, case studies, discussion and comment on the legal system. A concise digest of new legislation, judicial interpretation and current statistics in civil and criminal law is also included.
Legaldate can be accessed through the LRC Home Page.
The Law Institute Journal can be accessed through our LRC Home Page. All editions are available in hardcopy and PDF.
Unit 1: Guilt and liability
Area of Study 1: Legal foundations
Area of Study 2: The presumption of innocence
Area of Study 3: Civil liability
Unit 2: Sanctions, remedies and rights
Area of Study 1: Sanctions
Area of Study 2: Remedies
Area of Study 3: Rights
Unit 3: Rights and justice
Area of Study 1: The Victorian criminal justice system
Area of Study 2: The Victorian civil justice system
Unit 4: The people and the law
Area of Study 1: The people and the Australian Constitution
Area of Study 2: The people, parliament and the courts
Take a tour of the County Court
Civil Case Scenarios
Criminal Case Studies