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VCE History : Unit 2 Area of Study 2 Terrorism: Home

Irish Republican Army and the Troubles

United Nations Security Council on the nature of terrorism

What international framework is there to understand if acts are terrorist in nature or not?

 Since 1963, the international community has adopted19 international counter-terrorism legal instruments (conventions and protocols), many of which define acts of terrorism: 

  • Acts of aircraft hijacking 
  • Acts of aviation sabotage 
  • Acts of violence at airports 
  • Acts against the safety of maritime navigation 
  • Acts against the safety of fixed platforms located on the continental shelf 
  • Crime against internationally protected persons (such as the kidnapping of diplomats) 
  • Acts of unlawful taking and possession of nuclear material 
  • Acts of hostage-taking 
  • Acts of terrorist bombings 
  • Acts of funding of the commission of terrorist acts and terrorist organizations 
  • The use of an aircraft as a weapon. 


Ambiguous nature of Terrorism

The Nature of Terrorism

The Nature of Terrorism Globally


Interactive map of the global impact of Terrorism

Source: "Vision of Humanity" 

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