Text Annotation is the practice and the result of adding a note or gloss to a text, which may include highlights or underlining, comments, footnotes, tags, and links. [wikipedia source]
If you are studying a text, then consider keeping a Commonplace book.
This is a notebook where you record your thoughts, ideas, quotes and wisdom gained from reading your book.
It encourages you to create a fertile environment where you can allow your ideas and thoughts to percolate.
Mortimer J. Adler, Ph.D. wrote a famous essay called "How to Mark a Book" in The Saturday Review of Literature, July 6, 1941. Outlined in the essay was the famous 'Three bookowners" quote and also a list of techniques on how to mark or "own" a book. He argues that it is a means for engaging in a conversation with a text and recording your thinking. [source]
"There are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully. Here's the way I do it:
Instructional video suited to senior English or Literature students.